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Welcome to my website.

It is my joy and privilege to share with you some aspects of my work. I hope to inspire and encourage you to reach your full potential through my work. And, maybe, just maybe, we can bring about a positive difference in the world together. 

A Bit About Me

I love being creative and inspiring others


My creative meanderings come from a life of travel, engagement with other cultures and an empathy for the poor and downtrodden. I have a crazy vision of being able to make a difference in society, and am happy paddling in rockpools; chatting to friends; walking amongst wild things; and swirling dabs of paint or words all over the place.

Both my short stories and my mysteries are intended to transport people to other worlds, where you can join me in solving my character's problems.

I love being creative. Whilst naturally social, I eventually found that my boundless enthusiasm for all things creative was my inner fire - that which really drives me.

It all started when I went through tough challenges and obstacles for many, many years, and I just happened to buy a watercolour kit, not thinking I could paint.

That then led to further creative endeavours, and I took a writing course through my work. 

Christmas Gift

 “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.”  Jim Elliot

At the time, I was working with orphans and vulnerable children in Alexandra Township, South Africa, so I decided to put some of their heart-rending stories into print. I fictionalised it, to protect them, and, a few years later, a book was born.

I absolutely loved the idea that perhaps I might inspire others to assist orphans, or perhaps even some orphans themselves. 

I love to share all that I have learned, and so encourage others to reach their potential, so I am also doing online courses, and mentoring and speaking at events. 

All that I have been through in life enables me to share depth, compassion, and increased creativity.

I trust you will enjoy your time with me as we travel on this earth together. 

Send me a message

One of the greatest perks of my job is getting feedback and interacting with readers and my public. Contact me if you’ve got any comments or questions for me, I’d love to hear from you.

Thank you for your message!

Woman Writing
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