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These creams contain a combination of coconut oil, jojoba oil, frankincense, teatree, sweet orange and lavendar essential oils.

Coconut oil is a good antibacterial, and does not clog the pores (although that is controversial, as some studies show it may).  It hydrates the skin by bolstering the skin's protective barrier, and therefore helps with dry skin. It also reduces inflammation (which makes it great for acne). The lauric acid in it increases collagen production and seems to lighten dark spots. Lauric is also an antibacterial, which means that it should be great for acne. However, some people find that it blocks their pores. It is also a Sunblock - SPF 8, so very low. 

Jojoba oil is a humectant, which means it seals your skin. It is actually not an oil, but a wax! It is antimicrobial, and antifungal, and is an antioxidant, fighting those environmental skin-stressors and may help with collagen production. It may help sunburn. Its makeup is very similar to your own skin, so it does not block those pores (non-comedogenic). It is hypoallergenic, so skin reactions are rare. It controls sebum production, which helps with oily skin and thereby helps prevent acne. It may help reduce fine lines and wrinkles. The vitamin E in it may help to reduce the appearance of scars. 

Frankincense may be an anti-wrinkle, it reduces fine lines, tones the skin, and stimulates new cell growth.

Lavender is an antibacterial, hydrates the skin, reduces dark circles under the eyes, and is an antiwrinkle. It helps with an oily skin, scars and stressed skin

Sweet Orange oil is brilliant for winter, as it reduces dullness.

Teatree oil is present in all an an antibacterial, antiseptic and antiviral - and I use it because there are no preservatives in my products.

Warning: Special note for using natural products:

  1.  Natural does not mean anti-allergy.  You CAN have an allergy to natural products. If you start itching, or having red blotches on your face, discontinue use IMMEDIATELY, and consult your physician.

  2. Any cosmetic with citrus in reacts to is phytotoxic - it reacts to sunlight. Please remain out of the sun for at least 12 hours if you use our nightcream. 

  3. Certain natural oils react to light. Please keep in a dark place.

  4. Remember, without preservatives, the oils can be exposed to products that can make them go bad, for example if you have something on your finger. Use a wooden (not metal) spoon to extract a tiny amount from the container, and then wash that spoon. I do not use water-based products, so it is not necessary to keep in the fridge, but you may if you like that icy feeling on your face. Metal reacts with certain oils, and renders them ineffective, or causes them to change their properties. So, be aware. 

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